- Climb a tree
- Stand on a couch
- Eat a dead animal
- Eat a dead plant
- Eat something that was never alive
- Buy a scratch lottery ticket and never scratch it
- Yell your favorite letter while on the toilet
- Sing while on the toilet
- Brush your teeth in the shower (while peeing)
- Eat a piece of pie without your hands
- Eat spaghetti without a fork
- Light a candle and watch it until it burns out
- Read magazine ads outloud
- Look through the phonebook for someone with a wonderful name. Call her when she is likely to be at work and leave a message telling her you thought her name was wonderful. If she calls back, answer.
- Wear mismatched socks
- Skip the underwear
- Make weird faces in the mirror. Memorize one, and use it in public.
- Count to 736 while watching television
- Make a tower of your belongings that reaches the ceiling
- Sing your favorite song backwards
- Touch the backs of your knees
- Eat ice cream in the snow
- Buy a yo-yo
- Guess what time it is
- Go to a stranger’s funeral
- Walk somewhere new
- Explore someplace abandoned late at night
- Go a day without talking
- Go a day wearing earplugs
- Take a nap at sunset
- Set your alarm for sunrise, then go back to sleep without having looked at the sun
- Drink champagne through a straw
- Drop a hardboiled egg on the floor
- Pretend you can tap dance
Try These Things
Kevin M. Keating